Technic Football Website

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Technic Football Website : Tackling

Posted by Unknown


Skillful defenders are masters of denying their opposition. They limit the ball carrier, slow him down, and generally prevent his direct route to goal.

How to pressure the ball
Never charge at the ball unless you are absolutely sure that you will get it. If the enemy has the ball in control at his feet you must contain him. To contain (or jockey) your opponent means to position yourself in front of him and wait until he releases the ball far enough for you to intercept it.... Some dribblers will move the ball without providing you with adequate time for a tackle. All you can do in such cases is remain between the ball carrier and your own goal and wait until he errs.

Different methods of defending

Containing (jockeying)
When containing an attacker you must lower your center of gravity by bending your knees and leaning forward. Backpedal if the attacker moves sideways. Never face a dribbler straight on, because he will put the ball between your legs or he may run by you. You won't have the time to make a complete 180-degree turn. Instead, approach the ball carrier at a 45-degree angle forcing him towards the sideline. Be prepared to move laterally with your opponent, do not just lunge at him.

Block tackle
The "block tackle" technic is the most basic way of depleting an opponent of the ball. It is designed to give you possession while keeping you on your feet. Plant your supporting foot firmly so that you don't lose balance. Then, just as your opponent contacts the ball, you must put your free foot perpendicularly to the direction in which he is moving. If executed properly, this technic will cause your enemy to stumble or cough up the ball.

Poke tackle
With poke tackling, you basically stab the ball away from your opponent. You must use the foot which is closer to the ball. This technic does not guarantee that you will gain possession of the ball.

Slide tackle
Although spectacular, Technic "slide tackling" should not be used unless in desperation or when you're away from your own goal. It can also be very effective against opponents dribbling down the sideline or shielding the ball.

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